Between Now and Goodbye Page 2
I slide my finger across the screen to answer his call. A smile on my lips.
'Morning.' I smile happily. It's always nice when he can't wait to hear my voice in the mornings. It's nice that he's calling me again this morning, because he's been a little distant recently.
'Morning, sorry for calling so early.'
'It's ok, what's up?' I can't help the butterflies that start creeping into my stomach. Maybe he wants to take me out somewhere today, drive somewhere far away so we have to make an early start. Maybe he's reconsidered and he wants to take me shopping today like I'd asked him to. Maybe he wants to go out on my boat and swim in the deep water. I can already picture a long list of things we could do to get our summer off to a great start.
'I wanted to see if you'd be able to watch the kids later today.' He says. I must have heard that wrong. The kids? As in his siblings? My stomach drops and the butterflies disappear. He doesn't want to take me out on a date, he wants me to babysit his sticky fingered siblings.
'Uh...' Excuse, I need an excuse and it has to be good, because the last few times he's asked me to watch them, I've said no.
'I wouldn't ask, only Katie's got plans with her friends and Libby's gone and I have to take my mom to a hospital appointment. It would only be for a couple of hours.'
'Babe,' I sound a little whiny and so I readjust my tone, forcing a lightness into it which I am not feeling right now, 'I totally would, but the thing is I sort of promised my parents I'd go out with them today.' I lie, 'They're going to this garden party thing,' which is the truth, 'I kind of have to be there.' I didn't want to go, I'd actually answered with a resounding no when they'd asked me to go with them, but it's better than lying in bed all day, annoyed that my boyfriend can't be bothered to take me out, and my best friend has flitted off to New York. It's also infinitely better than watching his siblings for a couple of hours.
'Right, yeah, no don't worry about it.' I can picture him running his hand through his hair, only half paying attention to anything else I'll say, because he'll be trying to fix this problem.
'I'm sorry babe.' I say softly.
'It's fine, I know you're busy. I'll figure something out.' He replies, 'I'm sorry for waking you.'
'Not a problem.' I say easily, 'So how about tonight? You busy?'
'Uh, just the usual stuff. Making dinner, watching the kids, getting them to bed.'
'Well, yeah but, your mom will be in right? She can watch them.' I reason.
'She'll be in but...'
'Great, so you can take me to dinner.' I hop out of bed with a fresh bubble of excitement. I pace over to my walk in closet. I wonder what I could wear tonight? I have a new pink silk blouse which would go well with my knee length white ruffled skirt. I glance around my closet. It's filled with clothes to match my newest fashion craze. Libby calls it a modern Marie Antoinette style, and I guess she's not that far off. There are a lot of extravagant pieces, silks, ruffles, jewels and pieces of lace. Pastel colors, with the occasional bright item throw in for a contrast.
There are any one of over a hundred outfits that I could wear. It depends on where we go. There's a little French place that just opened up and I've been dying to try it, or there's a Thai place on the pier, or...I stop planning out outfits as I hear Charles repeating my name. I must have zoned out.
'Sorry babe, what did you say?' I ask, running my fingers over a knee length pale yellow dress with a ruffled skirt, and a beaded top. The dress I'll wear tonight. I'll make sure he picks somewhere that'll work perfectly with this dress.
'I said I have to stay in tonight because if my mom has another seizure, I need to be here. You're welcome to come over though, have some dinner with me and we'll watch a movie.'
'Oh.' My hand drops away from the dress, it's not exactly the kind of thing that I'd wear to watch a movie over at Charles' house. I mean his house is small and cluttered and there are usually kids climbing all over me. 'Yeah, I uh...I guess.'
'So you'll come over tonight?' He sounds hopeful, sweet, eager.
'Sure.' I sigh. What else will I have to do? I could hang out with my school friends, I'm sure there's some party or something I could go to, but I'd already told them that I was spending the first night of summer hanging out with my boyfriend. They all think he's like this super mysterious guy, a sort of bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Public school boy and all that. It makes me laugh because Charles is about as far from a bad boy as you can get, my parents adore him. Still, I don't correct them.
'Great, so just drop by any time. I'll be back from the hospital at around two, so whenever you're done at your garden party and want to come over, that's fine. I'll cook you something for dinner, Libby's been teaching me a few things, so it'll actually be edible.'
'Good to know.' I'm glad he can't see me, because then he's seen that I'm not exactly thrilled by the idea of going over to his house. 'I'll probably get there like seven, ok?'
'Yeah, that's fine. Listen, I'd better go now. I have to track down a babysitter before I get my mom up.'
'Yeah, ok.'
'I love you.'
'Yeah, you too.' I ring off, walk back into my room from my walk in closet and drop back into bed.
It's like, I get that he's got a lot going on at the moment, but does he have to stay in every single night? I hardly saw him while school was still open, whenever we hung out it was always at his house, or just a quick bite to eat before he had to hurry home again. He's trying to make time for me, I know he is. Only, well, I mean is it so bad that I want him to take me out to a proper dinner, and then a movie. Is it so bad that I'd rather not have to share my time with him with his mom and siblings? I don't think that's all that bad. He's my boyfriend after all, I'm supposed to be his number one priority.
Now, instead of a wonderful day with my boyfriend, I'm going to have to go to this stupid garden party with my parents. Boring.
I just want a little excitement in my life, and right now there isn't anything. This is so not the way I want my summer to go. Still at least I know a bunch of my school friends will be at the garden party today, and maybe there's some excitement to be found there.
Four – Libby
It takes us a little over ten hours to get to New York from our little town of Carver Beach in North Carolina. We arrive and struggle through traffic for over an hour until we finally manage to park up outside the college, which will be where the camp is held this summer.
We don't go in right away though, first mom and Matt decided to take me out to dinner. We went to a fancy restaurant which I'm sure we couldn't really afford, but they'd told me not to worry about it when I protested.
Now we're standing in what will be my dorm for the summer. To me, as I look around, it seems strange being in a dorm before I've even started my senior year in high school, let alone started college. At the same time the strangeness is teamed with an oddly nice feeling at my new independence.
'It's a shame about the view.' My mom clicks her tongue as she turns from the window. I wander over to look out. Even though my dorm is on the tenth floor, the view is of the building next door, and then down to the ground to a small alleyway. It's not the greatest view, but I'm in New York at one of the best culinary summer camps in the country, so I'm not complaining.
'Doesn't matter,' I shrug, 'I can go out and explore.'
'Just make sure you don't go out after dark on your own, and please don't stay up too late, and make sure you're aware of your surroundings. If you get lost then please use the app on your phone, and if you're homesick then call us. If you need money, then call us. Please make sure any cab you use is an actual registered cab and...'
'Tess, she's a smart kid, she knows what she's doing and how to look out for herself.' Matt puts his hand on my mom's shoulder, gently kissing her cheek.
'I know she is but...but my baby is moving away for a whole summer.'
'Mom,' I draw out the word, 'please don't cry or I'll cry.' I hug her tight, 'I'll be back before y
ou know it, and I'll have learnt so much. I'll be able to cook you guys all some really amazing food.'
'You already do.' My mom holds onto me. If she keeps this up I'm not going to be able to say goodbye. I'll be climbing back into the car and start begging them to take me back with them. Back home to Pippa, to my room and my bed, and to Julie and Charles and the beach and my life.
'Come on Tess, this summer will be really good for her, and you guys can chat on that computer thing that you both love so much.'
'Skype.' Mom and I both laugh together, because it's always funny how bad Matt is on computers. Especially since my mom works in IT and she's tried teaching him how to use Skype about a million times, so that he can keep in touch with his brother who moved to Canada a few years ago.
'Yeah, that thing.' He nods, slightly embarrassed. 'It'll be like she's in the house with us.'
'Only you can't hug a computer.' My mom pulls me close into another tight hug. The soft scent of lilac floats up from her newly laundered clothing, and it makes me feel homesick even though I still have her here with me.
'You could try.' I force a laugh, 'though it might be a little odd.'
'Ok, I'm going to stop being a snivelling wreck now.' Mom pulls back and puts on her bravest face, brushing away a few renegade tears as they slip from her eyes. I'm grateful for her strength because it means that I'm able to pull back a little of my own strength. 'Do you have everything you need?'
'Yes.' I nod.
'Well then I guess we'll just...head out. Unless of course you want us to wait around until your roommate arrives.'
'It's up to you.' I say, even though my head is screaming for them to stay. Just a little longer, because I'm not quite ready to break the link yet.
'Tess, it's a long drive back and we don't know when her roommate will arrive.' Matt smiles apologetically at me, but I know that he's right. They can't leave Pippa alone for too long, even though Charles promised to check in on her, and he promised to invite her round for dinner.
'He's right.' I say, smiling though I don't feel happy. 'Besides, I'll be fine here. I have unpacking to do and that'll keep me busy. Then I'll probably just read over my schedule again.'
'Well, if you're sure.' My mom looks at me for a moment, worry and sadness seeping onto her face, and then she smiles and pulls me in for another hug. Kisses my cheek and pulls back. 'You call me whenever you want. Day or night.'
'I will.'
'Have fun kiddo.' Matt hugs me tightly, his big frame almost swallowing me up, but I'm used to his hugs. They make me feel safe, protected, loved. I hug him back and wonder what it would have been like if he'd been my real dad.
'I love you kid.' Mom hugs me again, she's having trouble letting go and I have to be the strong one or neither of us will ever say goodbye. I pull out of her arms and kiss her cheek.
'Love you mom.' I whisper.
'We'll be back at the end of summer, please keep in touch.' Mom hovers in the doorway.
'I will mom.' I promise. 'I love you guys.'
Just like that they're gone and I'm left in a quiet room in a loud city. I sink down onto my bed, in the middle of my unopened luggage. I breathe out slowly and close my eyes, trying to assure myself that this summer will be amazing, and I'll be able to deal with being away from home for the first time ever.
Five – Charles
At seven on the dot the doorbell rings. I smile to myself and leave the stove for a minute to let Julie in. Only when I get there it isn't Julie, it's Pippa. She smiles up at me and holds out a cake tin.
'Libby made a lemon poppy seed cake for me to bring over.' She says. 'Thanks for inviting me, I was planning on eating takeout until you said I could join you guys.'
'No problem, your sister never would have forgiven me if I let you eat takeout.' I laugh, 'Come on in.'
'You're probably right.' Pippa replies, 'Is Katie here?'
'In her room, go on up. Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes, but I'll call up anyway.'
'Ok, thanks.' She smiles and then heads for the stairs, while I head back out to the kitchen with a quick glance of my watch. I stir the pot of curry I made, and with my other hand, I pull out my phone and type a message.
Thanks for the cake.
My roommate is a fast food junkie! How can you go to a culinary camp and be a fast food junkie! It doesn't make sense to me.
Oh. You're welcome for the cake. I hope you guys enjoy it. How are you? How's your mom?
Perhaps she wants to open up a fast food place. Mom's doing ok, the doctor says there's no change.
Sorry, give her a hug from me. Maybe my roommate does, I'll have to ask her.
Plans for tonight?
Unpacking, and getting ready for my first day of classes. You?
Julie's coming over for dinner and a movie.
Have fun. Are you cooking?
Yes. Prawn curry with naan bread.
Wow. I'm very proud of you. Wish I was there and eating it. Ok, I have to go because my roommate wants to take a tour of the place with me. Have a good night and say hi to Julie for me.
Will do. Night Libs.
Night Char.
I put the phone back down onto the counter and keep working on finishing the dinner.
Twenty minutes later I'm serving up dinner, all of my family is gathered around the table, and Pippa is sitting squashed between Katie and Georgia, with April on her lap. Julie isn't here yet.
I grab my phone and call her, but she doesn't pick up which probably means she's driving over here. Still, I can't stop these guys from eating.
'You guys start. I'm going to wait and have mine with Julie when she gets here.' I move away from the table to give them all a little more room. My mom catches my hand and smiles up at me.
'Thanks Charles, this all looks really wonderful.'
'It's fine. I'm just going to wait outside for Julie. Cool off a little, it got pretty warm in here while I was cooking.'
'Sure.' Mom nods and there's a sadness in her eyes, which is there all too often these days. I turn away quickly, heading out to the hall and out the front door. I drop down onto the front step, but the early evening air is still hot and stuffy and doesn't relieve the heat I'd felt inside.
I feel exhausted and dejected. I'd hoped for better news from the doctors this morning, and I could tell from the look on my mom's face that she'd hoped for it as well. It's been a bad day.
I grab my phone from my jeans pocket and scroll through the numbers. I hover my finger over the one name in my contacts that I want to talk to the most. The one who could help me to handle all of this. I press to dial the number and tentatively hold it up to my ear.
'You've reached Simon Parsons, I can't get to my phone right now, but if you leave me a message I'll get back to you just as soon as I can.'
'Dad. This is probably around the hundredth time I've called you. You need to come home, mom's not getting better and we all need you to come home. Please, I know it's hard seeing mom sick, but we all need you. You haven't even met April and she's four months old now. Please...come home.'
I hang up the phone, hating myself for leaving yet another message that I know will go unanswered. He probably doesn't even listen to them any more, if he even ever did. He's been gone for six months now, ever since my mom got sick and he decided that wasn't what he'd signed up for. He isn't coming back, I know that and normally I've resigned myself to accepting it. Tonight I needed him here to take some of the weight, to help take care of the kids and mom.
I drop the phone to my side and continue to wait for Julie. When she gets here everything will be ok. I'll be able to remember that not everything is bad.
Six – Julie
Xavier and Carly, two of my friends from school, shriek with laughter as I perform cartwheels in the sand. Carly attempts to copy me, like she does in so many other ways, but her cartwheels slant to the side and she ends up falling onto the sand. This makes Xavier laugh even louder, and I smile broadly. Showing off just a li
ttle by doing some handstands.
The garden party has been just as boring as I had anticipated, filled with boring people that were my parents age, and their well behaved preppy kids. They were all kids from my school, but definitely not the groups that I would spend my time with. They're the kind of kids who think that grades are the only important thing, fun is a waste of time, and they actually enjoy attending garden parties with their parents. Yawn.
I was on the verge of bailing to head home, when Xavier and Carly arrived. Two of my closest friends at Carver Academy. They know how to have fun. Things like pranks on teachers and students, parties both well planned and thrown together at the last minute. Their grades mostly float close to average, and even though my own grades are much closer to the preppy kids, in temperament, I'm far closer to people like Carly and Xavier.
They made the rounds to keep their parents off their backs, and then we all decided to blow off the rest of the party and head down to the beach. A day of sand, sea and showing off our gymnastic skills, or in Carly's case, a lack of skills.
'So,' Carly collapses onto the ground next to me, breathing heavily and grinning from ear to ear, 'where's you bad boy boyfriend tonight? He didn't want to suffer through the party for you?'
'He's at...oh no.' I sit upright, so fast that my head spins, but I don't take a second to let it settle, I just grab my phone from the sand and leap to my feet. It's eight fifteen. I have missed three calls from Charles and one message asking if I'm ok. Typical of him to worry about me before getting mad that I'm over an hour late. He's just so...good. Which isn't a bad thing, not really, but it makes me feel bad.
'What?' Xavier asks.
'I totally spaced, I was meant to meet him like over an hour ago.' I search around for my shoes, which flew off during a cartwheel.